Sunday, October 12, 2014

October 11, 2014 Show

This week we are examining a style that some find very divisive amongst beer drinkers, the pumpkin beer style!  While the pumpkin beer "style" ranges greatly, the idea of the pumpkin beer has made many turn their nose up to the style.  However, there is a wide range of great ones available now and we are drinking and discussing just a few this week, but they just may make you give pumpkin beers a second chance!

We are of course joined as always by the wonderful Billy from Backyard Ale House and this week also in studio with David from the Little Theater in Wilkes Barre who is putting on the Rocky Horror Picture Show, a feature that our own Fast Freddie will be making a special appearance in soon!

This weeks beer lineup:

New Belgium- Pumpkick:  The traditional pumpkin beer style is kicked up a notch with the additions of cranberries imparting a slight tart quality to the beer.  A great take on the style!

Two Roads Brewing- Roadsmary's Baby:  This pumpkin beer is aged in rum barrels which imparts a hint of rum to the beer, but does not overpower and the beer also remains at 6.8% ABV, so still a highly drinkable beer.  A must have for those who have it available at your local, absolutely textbook example of a great pumpkin beer!

Elysian Brewing- Night Owl Pumpkin Beer:  Elysian is undoubtedly the brewery that owns the pumpkin beer style with an almost uncountable amount of pumpkin beers brewed over the years.  However, they have completely nailed down the style with Night Owl and it is regarded as the quintessential pumpkin beer for a reason, its delicious!

Coronado Brewing- Punk'in Drublic:  The first imperial pumpkin ale of the day brings a bit more of a spice punch to the party, but that is expected a bit from an imperial, a must try for fans of pumpkin beers.  Plus the label and name is awesome!!

Harpoon Brewery- Imperial Pumpkin Stout:  Fans of imperial stouts will enjoy this 10.5% ABV monster.  Strong stout notes up front with hints of spicing dancing in the background.

Almanac Beer- Heirloom Pumpkin Barleywine:  Hands down the favorite of the day.  The 12% ABV is not apparent at all with no heat detected.  The rye and brandy barrels impart deep layers of flavor and the sweetness of the barleywine is perfected completed by the pumpkin spices.  If you are lucky enough to have Almanac available in your area go buy as much of their beers as you possibly can they are all incredible!

This weeks giveaway featured a fantastic wall mounted bottle opener from Grave Openers, a brand new company and friend of the show, if you are interested in their products drop them a line at  Also included was some beautiful glassware from Coronado Brewing and Duvel coasters for use in the man-cave!

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